Kings - The Choosing
The fourth season of “Kings” will explore the beginnings of the story of the second and most renowned king in history. Known to many as David, he was still a young man when chosen by God to lead the nation of Israel, taking over from Saul, the first king who had disappointed the Lord of Hosts. From his birth to the onset of severe persecutions, David's tale unfolds, highlighting his rejection. Despite his small stature, he demonstrated immense faith and courage, illustrating that the true measure of one's potential for greatness lies not in physical attributes but in purity, obedience, reverence for God, and the challenges one overcomes. These qualities shape the character of the chosen. David, often referred to as "a man after God’s own heart," is also an ancestor of Jesus Christ. In this intricate narrative of faith, love, and resilience, we will continue the faithful journey depicted in I Samuel and parts of Psalms, which endure to this day. We will witness the stark contrast between Saul, who stubbornly clings to a throne that is no longer his, and the youthful David. Though he is not an ordinary boy, he experiences love, faces the jealousy of his brothers, and endures rejection from many. Yet, he also encounters profound experiences with God that will forever change his life. Set against the backdrop of Bethlehem and its surroundings, the story will traverse Gibeah, Philistia, and Gibeon, unveiling significant biblical figures who will evolve throughout the plot and influence David’s journey. From angels to bears and lions, and even Philistine giants, the humble beginnings of this overlooked red-haired boy promise to be extraordinary. Living up to the season's title, “Kings, the Choosing,” the narrative reveals the most intimate aspects of humanity while exemplifying the criteria established by God for selecting His earthly representatives. Unlike how we, as mere mortals, often make choices based on physical appearances, God challenges common perceptions, demonstrating that He values what lies within the heart over what is visible to the eye.