The story unfolds in Bethlehem, an Israelite region, in 1045 B.C. At just 10 years old, David is getting ready to tend to his father Jesse's flock of sheep. As the youngest of seven brothers, he is assigned the role of the household servant. He is overshadowed by his brothers, who are all honored as brave warriors for King Saul.
As David matures, he becomes an excellent shepherd while remaining humble, sensitive, and loving. Always with his harp in hand, he creates beautiful Psalms and prayers dedicated to God. In contrast, King Saul disobeys God's laws and neglects His guidance. God, speaking through the prophet Samuel, informs Saul that he will be replaced by someone more worthy, someone who truly follows what is in their heart.
One day, in camp, while bringing his brothers food, David hears the Kings decree that whoever manages to defeat the army of God’s enemies shall have all the riches imaginable and his daughter’s hand in marriage. Despite David’s slim physique, he accepts the challenge and kills Goliath. From this moment on, by God’s will and with the acclaim of the people, David becomes the new King of Israel. David weds Michal, which unchains a series of conflicts.
By a series of events David is taken far from home and as if by destiny, he meets Abigail, whom he marries. He also keeps several lovers but his preferred wife is Bathsheba with whom he has a second son, after losing their first son, fruit of their forbidden love. David’s life is marked by love and hate, intrigue, friendship, betrayal and forgiveness. David’s legacy is to show mankind that all men are capable of committing sin and injustice, but that they’ll only find the path when they obey God’s laws.
David`s older brother. He is Jesse`s firstborn and most beloved son. Tall and handsome, he is part of King Saul`s army. In truth, he is a mediocre warrior who loves to tell tall tales of victory. He doesn`t believe that David killed a bear and a lion in order to save his father`s flock of sheep and ... +See More
Rodrigo Phavanello
David`s older brother. He is Jesse`s firstborn and most beloved son. Tall and handsome, he is part of King Saul`s army. In truth, he is a mediocre warrior who loves to tell tall tales of victory. He doesn`t believe that David killed a bear and a lion in order to save his father`s flock of sheep and believes David is making up stories for lack of courage. He is shocked when he sees David slay Goliath. He uses people and is ambitious. He believes that he will be the one anointed by Samuel, but when he sees that David is chosen, he is becomes very envious of his brother.
Jesse`s wife and mother to David and his seven brothers. A wise woman of great faith. She is hard working and dedicated. She teaches David to play the harp and sing lovely worship songs to God. She knows David`s talent and value and does not underestimate him as his father and brothers do. David is ... +See More
Angela Leal
Jesse`s wife and mother to David and his seven brothers. A wise woman of great faith. She is hard working and dedicated. She teaches David to play the harp and sing lovely worship songs to God. She knows David`s talent and value and does not underestimate him as his father and brothers do. David is her favorite son as opposed to the rest of the family.
(Clemente Viscaíno )
Husband to Edna. Jesse is David`s father as well as his seven brothers. Jesse is a poor and simple man. He is also harsh. He lives in Bethlehem in the country with his family. He shows favoritism towards his older sons whom are King Saul`s soldiers. He doesn`t pay David much attention and judges him... +See More
Clemente Viscaíno
Husband to Edna. Jesse is David`s father as well as his seven brothers. Jesse is a poor and simple man. He is also harsh. He lives in Bethlehem in the country with his family. He shows favoritism towards his older sons whom are King Saul`s soldiers. He doesn`t pay David much attention and judges him as a youth without much potential in becoming a warrior. This is why he assigns him the task of herding his sheep, a task deemed indignant at the time.
(João Vitti/ Bernardo Segreto)
David`s nephew, he is a widower. He is father to Rachael. He is an honorable man with a strong personality but very impulsive at the same time. Most of his follies happen because he acts without thinking. He becomes King David`s right arm and the commander of his army. He is greatly respected by his... +See More
João Vitti/ Bernardo Segreto
David`s nephew, he is a widower. He is father to Rachael. He is an honorable man with a strong personality but very impulsive at the same time. Most of his follies happen because he acts without thinking. He becomes King David`s right arm and the commander of his army. He is greatly respected by his soldiers. A feared warrior, he is bloodthirsty and is also a great strategist.
(Maria Ribeiro/ Eline Porto)
Saul`s daughter and first wife to David, Michal is very pretty. Because of this, she is stubborn, false, manipulative and a liar. She is envious of her sister Merab and draws pleasure from creating intrigue. She helps David flee from her father`s wrath and waits for the day that he`ll come back for ... +See More
Maria Ribeiro/ Eline Porto
Saul`s daughter and first wife to David, Michal is very pretty. Because of this, she is stubborn, false, manipulative and a liar. She is envious of her sister Merab and draws pleasure from creating intrigue. She helps David flee from her father`s wrath and waits for the day that he`ll come back for her. Since that day never comes, she feels abandoned by David. She`s forced by her father into marrying Palti, a man who she despises. A while later, David has her taken from her husband but Michal refuses because she knows that David only wants her for political reasons. She becomes Bathsheba`s torment. She also worships pagan gods, which provokes David`s anger. She never gets over the fact that she cannot conceive any children.
She`s our heroic David`s great love. She shares a forbidden love with him. Beautiful, charming and mysterious, Bathsheba is married to Uriah, one of David`s soldiers, at the time that she is courted by the King. She resists, at first, but gives in and commits adultery, which will have devastating co... +See More
Renata Dominguez
She`s our heroic David`s great love. She shares a forbidden love with him. Beautiful, charming and mysterious, Bathsheba is married to Uriah, one of David`s soldiers, at the time that she is courted by the King. She resists, at first, but gives in and commits adultery, which will have devastating consequences. They both fall madly in love. She marries David after her husband`s death. She suffers greatly by the death of their firstborn son. But is blessed by the birth of Solomon, the future King if Israel. Eliam and Lais`s daughter, and granddaughter to Ahithophel. She is serene, patient and wise but has a strong personality. David`s other wives hate her.
Married to Ahinoam, he is father to Jonathan, Ish-bosheth, Merab and Michal. At the beginning of our story, King Saul is nearing 50 years of age and has been ruling for thirty years. He governs over the Israelites brilliantly. A valiant warrior, he leads his soldiers with a firm hand. As time goes b... +See More
Gracindo jr.
Married to Ahinoam, he is father to Jonathan, Ish-bosheth, Merab and Michal. At the beginning of our story, King Saul is nearing 50 years of age and has been ruling for thirty years. He governs over the Israelites brilliantly. A valiant warrior, he leads his soldiers with a firm hand. As time goes by, he becomes a self-sufficient and an arrogant man, but inside he is weak and vulnerable. He begins to disobey God`s commandments and has grievous failures. An evil spirit torments him after God takes his kingdom. It is only through David`s music that he is soothed. He loves David as a son, but he becomes his enemy when he discovers that David is God`s anointed one.
David is a man who follows God`s heart. Son to Jesse and Edna, and the youngest of seven brothers. He is a sheepherder. David is God`s chosen one to become King of Israel, bringing upon him King Saul`s envy and fury. He becomes a strong, brave and feared warrior. He is also an artist who plays the h... +See More
Leonardo Bricio
David is a man who follows God`s heart. Son to Jesse and Edna, and the youngest of seven brothers. He is a sheepherder. David is God`s chosen one to become King of Israel, bringing upon him King Saul`s envy and fury. He becomes a strong, brave and feared warrior. He is also an artist who plays the harp and sings beautifully. He also composes psalms in worship of God. He is generous, sensitive and humble, a man of invaluable faith. He transforms into a wise, just and powerful King. Adored by his people. A forbidden love will bring tragedy into his life.