The Series "The Queen of Persia" takes us back to the ancient Biblical era, where the life of a young Jewish girl named Hadassah is intricately linked to the fate of her nation. Orphaned and raised by her cousin Mordecai, a devout follower of the God of Israel, she leads a humble life in Susa, adopting the name Esther to conceal her Jewish identity. In the palace of King Xerxes, a series of dramatic events leads to the ousting of his cruel wife, Amestris. This prompts the king to search for a new queen among the kingdom's most beautiful maidens. When letters of summons are sent throughout the city, Esther is taken against her will to the king's harem. There, she encounters both jealousy and disdain from some, but also unexpected allies, particularly the eunuch Hegai. When Esther finally meets the king, her life changes forever. Her beauty, grace, and wisdom enchant him, leading to her immediate crowning as the new queen of Persia, shocking many. Yet, the challenges she faces are only beginning. Now, as the wife of a man who does not share her faith, she finds herself entangled in a vast empire rife with intrigue and conspiracy. As the story unfolds, a new threat emerges, endangering not only Esther's life but also that of her people, placing her in a heart-wrenching predicament. In a perilous game of strategy and vengeance, the beautiful queen must muster all her courage and resolve to become the woman God destined her to be, protecting her loved ones and saving the Jewish people from impending doom. "The Queen of Persia" promises to enthrall audiences with its exceptional blend of mystery, romance, and action, taking place not just in palace corridors but also, unexpectedly, on battlefields. More than just another miniseries, it offers a distinctive experience filled with rich, multifaceted characters, imparting inspiring lessons about the resilience of the human spirit and the faithfulness of divine provision.

Orphaned since childhood, she was raised with love and care by her cousin Mordecai, with whom she has an excellent father-daughter relationship. You are about to fulfill one of your biggest dreams, but an unexpected event will frustrate your plans. Esther will still be forced to live in unimaginable... +See More

Frustrated in his first marriage, the attractive and powerful "king of kings" has as his only encouragements: Harbona, his faithful chamberlain, and wine. But that will change with the entry of a beautiful and sweet young woman into his life. Even though he is a man eager to do what is right, his cr... +See More

Proud and arrogant, he achieves an official position in the palace through dishonest tactics. He displays excessive self-confidence and believes he is more cunning than he really is. However, his story is marked by a deep hatred towards the Jews, as he is a descendant of Agag, a king executed by the... +See More

First wife of Xerxes. Beautiful and empowered, her sagacity makes her a queen feared by many, including her allies. Améstris goes to great lengths to achieve her goals, but her excessive self-confidence will make her lose what she never imagined she could lose.... +See More

Ester's cousin and foster father. Even though he is a diligent palace official, he will suffer harsh persecution after having his Jewish origins, which he tried so hard to hide, revealed. With an archenemy on his trail and a royal edict against his people, he can only count on his faith to defend hi... +See More

Mordecai's wife and Hannah's mother. As soon as she finds out about her pregnancy, she is forced, for the first time, to stay away from her husband, who has always been her safe haven. A dedicated wife and mother, she does everything, alongside Mordecai, to protect her family.... +See More

The formidable commander of the Persian naval fleet. She is known for her unparalleled skill and cunning. He does not hesitate to follow any path to achieve his goals, showing himself to be relentless when necessary. However, even the most sagacious must be cautious in the Persian empire, where poli... +See More