Featuring a cast of over 250 actors and a grand structure embellished with stunning special effects, the telenovela Genesis narrates the story of the world's origins through an epic and engaging drama.
The storyline presents a comprehensive biblical perspective on the dawn of humanity, delving deeply into various passages that examine the beginnings of human existence. The characters from this era will be depicted in unprecedented detail, offering us a clearer understanding of the first and one of the most important books of the Bible.
The book of Genesis, both simple and complex, provides insights into our essence, belongings, perceptions, emotions, and experiences. With God as the narrator, the tale opens with the rise and fall of Lucifer, followed by the creation of the world and the lives of Adam and Eve. After their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, we will encounter scenes that depict the onset of humanity, including the births of their children, the tragic death of Abel, Cain's flight, and the beginnings of the city of Enoch. Here, God communicates with Noah, unveiling His plans for the flood and the construction of the ark to save Noah's family.
Genesis offers profound insights into our existence, highlighting our complexities and flaws. It reveals the roots of numerous social and racial issues that stem from the very beginning, when humans, who initially only knew goodness, made the choice to confront evil.
First man on Earth, gifted with a garden for his delight, a beautiful wife, and authority until through a simple decision he loses everything and suffers greatly when he turns away from God.... +See More
Carlo Porto
First man on Earth, gifted with a garden for his delight, a beautiful wife, and authority until through a simple decision he loses everything and suffers greatly when he turns away from God.
First woman on Earth, she loses everything by being deceived by the snake, which leads to her paying a high price both in her marriage and in the lives of her children.... +See More
Juliana Boller
First woman on Earth, she loses everything by being deceived by the snake, which leads to her paying a high price both in her marriage and in the lives of her children.
Adam and Eve’s firstborn son. He causes a lot of pain for the family and for that reason he flees, establishing the first city in the world, naming it after his son Enoch.... +See More
Eduardo Speroni
Adam and Eve’s firstborn son. He causes a lot of pain for the family and for that reason he flees, establishing the first city in the world, naming it after his son Enoch.
Adam and Eve’s second son but the first to bring his parents back to God. Abel pleases God and his story serves as a lesson to this day.... +See More
Caio Manhente
Adam and Eve’s second son but the first to bring his parents back to God. Abel pleases God and his story serves as a lesson to this day.
dam and Eve’s eldest daughter, she longs for the affection she doesn’t receive from her father. She acts rebelliously because she feels wronged by the different treatment that Cain and Abel receive. She becomes responsible for great pain in the family.... +See More
Ana terra
dam and Eve’s eldest daughter, she longs for the affection she doesn’t receive from her father. She acts rebelliously because she feels wronged by the different treatment that Cain and Abel receive. She becomes responsible for great pain in the family.
Descendente de Caim, é um homem justo, obstinado e amante dos animais. Por sua relação íntima com o Criador, terá um papel importante na história do mundo.... +See More
Oscar Magrini
Descendente de Caim, é um homem justo, obstinado e amante dos animais. Por sua relação íntima com o Criador, terá um papel importante na história do mundo.
Descended from Seth, Noah’s Grandfather, the man who lived the longest on Earth.... +See More
Clemente Viscaíno
Descended from Seth, Noah’s Grandfather, the man who lived the longest on Earth.
Descendant of Cain, a violent man who killed without restraint, married to two women.... +See More
Jayme Periard
Descendant of Cain, a violent man who killed without restraint, married to two women.
(Leonardo Medeiros )
Leader of the city of Enoch and Noah’s enemy. A corrupt man who tries in every way to take the Ark during the Flood.... +See More
Leonardo Medeiros
Leader of the city of Enoch and Noah’s enemy. A corrupt man who tries in every way to take the Ark during the Flood.
Excellent hunter, strong and fearless. He becomes powerful on Earth and aims to enhance his name by designing a city and a tower that reaches the skies. What he doesn’t know is that his greatest ally can become his obstacle.... +See More
Plabo Morais
Excellent hunter, strong and fearless. He becomes powerful on Earth and aims to enhance his name by designing a city and a tower that reaches the skies. What he doesn’t know is that his greatest ally can become his obstacle.
Suffering at the hands of her husband, she transfers all her love to her son Nimrod, placing all her expectations on him. What a surprise to her when she sees what she protects so much inevitably escaping through her fingers.... +See More
Francisca queiroz
Suffering at the hands of her husband, she transfers all her love to her son Nimrod, placing all her expectations on him. What a surprise to her when she sees what she protects so much inevitably escaping through her fingers.
(Giuseppe Oristânio)
Nimrod’s cousin, he takes on the responsibility of raising him when he sees Nimrod’s father’s contempt for the boy. He strives to keep him in God’s ways, but has the surprise of his life to learn that he wants to build the Tower of Babel.... +See More
Giuseppe Oristânio
Nimrod’s cousin, he takes on the responsibility of raising him when he sees Nimrod’s father’s contempt for the boy. He strives to keep him in God’s ways, but has the surprise of his life to learn that he wants to build the Tower of Babel.
(Marcelo Galdino )
Semiramis’ unfaithful and violent husband. Nimrod’s absent father. Bearing the weight of the curse of the descendants of Ham, he doesn’t accept that his son can be more than he is and therefore despises him.... +See More
Marcelo Galdino
Semiramis’ unfaithful and violent husband. Nimrod’s absent father. Bearing the weight of the curse of the descendants of Ham, he doesn’t accept that his son can be more than he is and therefore despises him.