A fascinating story that could never be completely told in movies or miniseries. The telenovela “Jesus” will show little-known passages and deepen the stories of the characters who lived with Him. We will have an opportunity to experience what the people of that time felt, their pains, their sufferings and their conflicts. And so, to understand in what way and why they were touched by the words of Jesus. Jesus that we are going to show is what is in the Bible, without inventions or theories about what is not said about Him. His story will be humanized through the people who knew Him, who were touched by Him, one way or another. It is through the look of these characters that we will see Jesus. The story begins even before Jesus was born. In a simple and rural Nazareth, where Mary and Joseph fall in love and live the torment of the judgment of the inhabitants of their city, who do not believe in the Annunciation made by the angel Gabriel. In this first phase of the telenovela, we will also see the amusing drama of the father of John the Baptist who is mute and only recovers the speech in the circumcision of his son, besides the backstage of the palace of Herod the Great, that exceeded the limits of its madness, ordering the killing of the innocents. The universe of Jerusalem of that time, is rich and full of action. Dominated by Rome, the main city of Judea was immersed in a whirlwind of conflict. False messiahs, rebellious Jews acting against Roman domination, oppression of tax collectors, poverty and dreams of a better life… A subjugated people that resists in their faith. But not every Roman is evil and not every Jew is good. And Jesus comes to all, without prejudice, without distinction. Besides the life and ministry of Jesus in the second phase of the telenovela, we will know the life trajectory of some people who were healed by Him. Who were those men who became apostles? The thoughts of Pilate and how was his relationship with his wife and daughter. The dreams and desires of people just quoted in the Bible as Joseph of Arimathea, Susanna, John and so many others. Who was Mary Magdalene, a woman who was never a prostitute, but rather, dominated by seven demons. The suffered life of Barabbas and his relation with the rebel movement. Petronius, the Roman centurion who felt touched with Jesus on the cross. And as was the daily life of Caiaphas, the high priest who pursued Jesus until he was judged and condemned. The clash between good and evil is present throughout the journey. Jesus does not give up on His mission. He faces Satan until His great victory, the crucifixion, when He sacrifices himself for us all, to take away the sin of the world…. and resurrects.

Hijo de Dios. Enviado por Dios, viene al mundo como hombre, por amor a la humanidad. Quebrará paradigmas religiosos, invertirá contra los vendedores del templo, revelando quién es, de hecho, el enemigo de la humanidad. Enfrentará odios, calumnias y persecuciones. Su misión será mostrar a todos... +See More

Carpenter and master builder. Husband of Mary of Nazareth, step father of Jesus. The father of Simon, Judas, Joseph, James, Elisheba, and Yonah. Man of good character, strong faith, hardworking, honest and faithful. He deeply loves Mary, but, still engaged, he is very shaken to know that she is preg... +See More

Born in Nazareth. Married to Joseph. Mother of Jesus, she will have four more sons and two daughters: Simon, Judas, Joseph, James, Elisheba and Yonah. All of them will harass Jesus, out of jealousy, except for Yonah. When engaged, the angel Gabriel announces that she will be fertilized by the Holy S... +See More

Fallen angel, expelled from the sky. ‘Jesus’ main and powerful antagonist, counting on demons at his service. He is devoted to corrupting men and women, arising here and there, on the sinister mission of bringing chaos into the world. Angry with the coming of Jesus to the Earth, he tries to corr... +See More

Cousin of Jesus, son of Zebedee and Sula, sister of Mary. He will become one of the twelve apostles, the youngest of them. Fisherman in Capernaum, known for the fishing stories he invents. He will fall in love with Gabriela, Peter’s daughter. Amiable, with intense fervor, sometimes even too much. ... +See More

Pescador. Hombre fuerte y puro. Amante de la verdad y de la justicia. Indignado contra el dominio romano. Testaruda, habla sin pensar. Desastrado y buen nadador. Viudo, vive con la suegra y la hija, Gabriela, con las que discute con frecuencia, por su temperamento turrón. Uno de los doce apóstoles... +See More

Born in Magdala. Hellenized Jew, widow of a Roman, returns to Jerusalem and becomes involved with the centurion Petronius. Jesus get rids of her seven demons. She becomes His disciple, following Him and serving Him with devotion. She will witness His sufferings, His judgment, His condemnation, death... +See More

Publican. Married to Asisa, ambitious woman, who is never satisfied with what she has. A Roman tax collector, he is considered a traitor by the Jews. Dominated by the woman he loves, he suffocates his own desires and convictions, tormented by guilt. When he hears the call of Jesus, he does not hesit... +See More