Joseph was born around 1716 BC, in Haran, region of Mesopotamia, a ‘miracle‘ son. He is the son of Rachel, a sterile woman and the most loved wife of Jacob, who is already an old man when his son is born. Joseph soon becomes the favorite son. Joseph receives an ornamented tunic from Jacob, symbolizing he was chosen as his successor. Unaccepting of their father‘s decision and overcome by envy, the brothers decide to teach Joseph a lesson, throwing him into a deep well with no way out and they then sell the brother as a slave. Joseph is taken to Egypt. The young Hebrew becomes the servant of Potiphar, head of the Pharaoh Apepi‘s guard. Sati, the commander‘s wife, begins to feel a burning desire for Joseph, and does everything to conquer his heart, but always fails. Furious, she gets back at Joseph by lying and saying the Hebrew tried to rape her. Potiphar sends him to prison. Pharaoh Apepi begins to be tormented by strange nightmares and, when he finds out that Joseph has the gift to interpret dreams, he calls him to the royal palace. After hearing Apepi‘s dream, Joseph reveals that Egypt will enjoy seven years of bounty, which will then be replaced by long period of famine. Joseph also says it will be necessary to store enough food during the bounty period to supply the people during the times of lamentation. When hunger arrives in Canaan, Jacob sends his sons in search of food in Egypt, because he learns it is the only place on earth with food. Upon arriving before the respected governor of Egypt, Jacob‘s sons do not recognize him as their brother under the Egyptian clothing. But Joseph recognizes them and he is forced to hide in order to cry, in deep pain, almost twenty years after the betrayal. Now, only Joseph can save the brothers who made him suffer so much in the past.

Lia / (Denise Del Vecchio)

Rachel’s older sister and Jacob’s wife. She envies her sister loves creating intrigue. She poisons Simeon and the other sons against Joseph.  She tries to win over her husband’s love, but she is always rejected by him. A bitter, proud, cold and needy woman. After Rachel’s death, she tries ... +See More

Ruben / (Guilherme Winter)

Jacob and Leah’s eldest son. He has an affair with Bilhah, his father’s concubine and who is older than him. He tries to avoid having Joseph killed by his brothers. He is irresponsible, impetuous, immature and, at the same time, generous. He feels sorry for Joseph, but he envies him for taking... +See More

Bilah / (Carla Cabral )

Rachel’s former servant who is given to Jacob as a concubine to bear his children in her place. She ends up getting involved with Jacob’s older son, Reuben, and suffers greatly because of this forbidden love. She is faithful to Rachel, dedicated, loving and humble. She knows how to put herself ... +See More

Simeon / (Caio Junqueira)

Jacob and Leah’s second son. He instigates the brothers against Joseph. He hates his brother. He has the idea to kill him. He is the cruelest of all, with a heart of stone, vengeful, violent and he is not sorry for selling Joseph. He will only be sensitized when he reen... +See More

Judah / (Vitor Hugo)

Jacob and Leah’s fourth son. He suggests the brothers sell Joseph as a slave to avoid killing him, but he feels remorse for what he does. He always argues with Simeon. He is tormented by guilt. He offers himself to be a slave in Benjamin’s place when they are in Egypt. He is married to Eliza an... +See More

Jacó / (Celso Frateschi)

His character is transformed and God names him Israel. He is an honorable and hard-working man. He is the father of Joseph and 11 more sons. He married Leah and Rachel. There are also Zilpah and Bilhah as concubines. He is love with Rachel and favors the son he has with he... +See More

José / (Ângelo Paes Leme )

Son of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob’s eleventh and favorite son. Intelligent, smart, happy, self-confident, sensitive and sweet. At times, he is a little immature and provokes his brothers even if by accident. He is sold as a slave and suffers a great deal. As an adult, Joseph becomes even more att... +See More