Nehemiah is a seven-episode miniseries based on the book of the same name from the Bible. The plot is a spin-off of the series The Queen of Persia. The story follows Nehemiah, a young Jew and eunuch in the palace of Susa, who feels fulfilled in his role as cupbearer to his friend, King Artaxerxes. Despite having to be away from the people he loves most and who have been his companions and allies for so long, Nehemiah accepted that this separation was essential for each to be able to carry out God's plans in their lives and thus achieve their dreams. The only stumbling block at the moment is Artaxerxes. If only he could help his friend free himself from the ghosts of the past. However, being honest with himself, he also clings to a fragment of his story: the hope of one day being able to set foot in and see Jerusalem. His consolation is that at least his friends are living this dream for him. It was then, on a seemingly peaceful night, that Nehemiah was surprised by grave news that shook his entire structure and called into question all his certainties up to that point. The only certainty he has now is that the city he loves so much was destroyed and burned to the ground, leaving several men dead, entire families destroyed, and as if to make matters worse, his contacts in Judah have disappeared. But why was this news given to him in particular? What kept him tied to this responsibility in front of the palace? What could he do to protect his compatriots? How could he take on this burden? It is a responsibility that does not even correspond to him and a task that everyone considers impossible. This is how Nehemiah finds himself at the most crucial moment of his life. Combining faith and courage, Nehemiah makes a decision that could change his destiny forever or lead him to total ruin.

Nehemiah / (Mário Bregieira)

A Jew, made a eunuch in the palace of Susa to serve the king of Persia. A cupbearer and friend of King Artaxerxes. A handsome man, pleasant to be around, but serious in his responsibilities at work and his commitment to God. A man of faith, strength and courage. After losing his father as a teenag... +See More

Hataque / (Guilherme Boury)

Persian, palace eunuch. Handsome, friendly and easygoing. He had his first experience as a palace servant when he was placed as Queen Esther's personal servant years ago. Now with a new king on the throne, and comfortable with his position of trust, he knows that his life will not be full of great ... +See More

Shacar / (Miguel Venerabile)

A mysterious, cute, adorable boy with brown eyes and hair. There's only one problem with him: No one knows where this creature comes from. How can we explain the information he knows and shares? How can he achieve things that only a man twice his size could? And to make matters worse, he's just as c... +See More

Hanani / (Bernardo Mesquita)

A Jew from Jerusalem. A friend of Ananias and Elza. He becomes Nehemiah's right-hand man in his impossible endeavor. He sees his world turned upside down when he wakes up one night and discovers that Jerusalem is being attacked and several men are being killed. He narrowly escapes being assassinated... +See More

Elsa / (Camila Lorenzo)

A Jewess from Jerusalem, wife of Ananias. A woman of integrity and faith, she finds in her husband and in the friends she met years ago, Mordecai and Yona, the same conviction that burns in her chest: that they are a people chosen by God and that He will always take care of them. But she sees her fa... +See More

Ananias / (Flávio Pardal)

A Jew, a native and former governor of Jerusalem. Husband of Elza. He becomes Nehemiah's right-hand man in his impossible endeavor. Encouraged by Mordecai's visit and faith years before, Ananias decides to continue pursuing the dream of every Jew who has been allowed to return from exile: to rebuild... +See More

Ezra / (Hall Mendes)

A Jew, born in Susa. Husband of Hannah and great friend of Nehemiah. After leaving Susa with his wife and living in Jerusalem for a few years preaching God's precepts to his people, he finds himself in the impossible situation of having to flee his city to escape death. But all his efforts result in... +See More

Sanballat / (Tatsu Carvalho)

Half Jew and half Gentile. Governor of Samaria. Declared enemy of Nehemiah. He thinks he is quite clever, when in fact he relies on the cunning and sagacity of his servant Tobias. With the privileged position of the king's official in Samaria, for years he took advantage of his position to benefit h... +See More

Tobias / (Homero Ligere)

Ammonite. Inhabitant of Samaria. Pai de Joanã. Sambalate's trusted servo number. Inimigo of Neemias. Homem sagacious, intelligent, strategist, observer, content in his emotions. Expert in self-control, it seems to do everything that his Lord commands, when in truth, he is the one that encourages S... +See More

Geshem / (Felippe Salve)

Arab, resident of the city of Samaria. Enemy of Nehemiah. He thinks he is great because he has a certain amount of wealth and is in alliance with the governor of Samaria, but in reality he is just his lackey. He follows all his plans without question. He takes pleasure in irritating his enemies a... +See More

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